Sep 01 – 03, 2023 – Oberhafen, Hamburg
Die unabhängige Messe feiert ihr 10jähriges und wie immer finden sich dort viele Verlage und Projekte unter den Ausstellern und ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm.
Alle Aussteller finden sich hier.
Indiecon is a joint effort of independent magazine, book, art print and zine publishers from all over the world. The three-day publishing festival is based at Hamburg’s Oberhafen, a former freight yard now creative quarter right in the city centre.
Fri, Sep 1: 3 – 7 PM
Sat, Sep 2: 11 AM – 7 PM
Sun, Sep 3: 11 AM – 5 PM
Every publication can lead you into a whole new world. Join in on a trip to extraordinary publishing planets – and celebrate the 10th edition of the Indiecon multiverse.
Visiting Indiecon is free! You can drop by casually and enjoy the fair and public programming. We suggest to register for our newsletter for updates on this year’s events.