Sep 06 – 08, 2024 – Oberhafen, Hamburg
Die unabhängige Messe feiert sich und die Form und wie immer finden sich dort viele Verlage und Projekte unter den Ausstellern und ein vielfältiges Rahmenprogramm.
Alle Aussteller finden sich hier.
Independent publishing takes many forms. A glossy magazine or a spreadsheet website. A rugged newspapers or an Instagram channel. A podcast, a newsletter, a hand-crafted fanzine. An artist book or chunks of code on a server.
This is not about form
We see independent publishing as a culture rather than a market, driven by collaboration instead of competition. We see communities gather and thrive around written or spoken word. We see real world impact by organizations build around a shared publishing practice. In this sense, it does not matter if you print on paper or post online.
Lineup 2024
Indiecon 2024 will feature publishers from more than 60 cities in 30 different countries. Join us in Hamburg and meet this beautiful bunch.